Managing waste fractions and emission factors

Creating custom waste fractions
You can add waste fractions to the Diligent ESG system manually or using excel import.    Adding waste fractions manually Select the Settings icon  an...
Mon, 2 Oct, 2023 at 11:32 AM
Mapping emission factors to waste fractions
Map an associated emission factor to the waste fraction and assign a disposal method, for example landfill, recycling, or energy recovery. You can map emiss...
Mon, 29 Jan, 2024 at 2:17 PM
Configuring waste fraction activities
You must configure waste fraction activities within the system to a specific emission factor source so that the system can upload data to the activities. T...
Mon, 2 Oct, 2023 at 11:47 AM
Viewing emission factors applied to data entries
If you want to view the emission factors that are applied to data entries within the system at different sites and locations, or when audits are underway, A...
Tue, 30 Jan, 2024 at 8:54 AM
Understanding volume to mass conversion for waste data
When creating a waste fraction, you need volume to mass conversions so that the Diligent ESG system can normalize waste data by either a mass unit or a volu...
Mon, 2 Oct, 2023 at 11:49 AM
Original Waste Module vs Waste Fractions Module
The original Waste Module allows organizations to collect Waste emissions data based on the DEFRA waste groupings. It is designed to assist clients if they ...
Mon, 2 Oct, 2023 at 11:51 AM
Adding data to the Original Waste vs Waste Fraction Modules.
How do I add data entries to the old waste module? Step 1: Navigate to the 'Data Management' screen at the top of the screen, and select ...
Tue, 25 Jul, 2023 at 2:22 AM