For auditing purposes, users cannot be removed or deleted from the Diligent ESG system. This ensures there is a full audit trail for all data entries and amendments or changes made within the system. You can deactivate users if they have left a company and no longer require access to the system. To deactivate a user, contact the administrator of your account or 

Important: If an administrator deactivates a user’s account, then the user cannot log back into the system or change their password to reactivate it. If a user fails multiple times at logging in, they are locked out of the system. This is different from being deactivated. For further information about logging in and changing passwords, go to Changing passwords. 

  1. If you are an administrator, select the Settings icon and select User Management. 
  2. Search for the user you want to deactivate and select Select beside their username. 
  3. In the User Details section, clear the Activated checkbox.  
  4.  Select Save. The user is deactivated.