The dashboard charts can be designed or redesigned to a layout the user requires by following the steps below.


Step 1: Navigate to the "Dashboard Designer" screen using the menu settings icon on the top right of the screen.

Step 2: On the next screen there are three buttons to choose from: New Layout, Edit Layout, or Delete Layout.

Step 3: To edit the dashboard select the current dashboard layout you wish to edit and click "Edit Layout". To design a new dashboard, select the "New Layout" button. 

Step 4: On the next screen after selecting "Edit Layout" the dashboard layout you are editing appears with a number of fields to complete with options, the layout is the same if you select "New Layout" but an empty dashboard appears.

Input fields and options:

  • Module - Chart or Grid
  • Chart - Bar, Line, Pie, Area, Column, Trend, 
  • Measure - Tonnes CO2e
  • Show Intensity - Yes/No
  • Group by - Time, Location, Scope, Source Category, Activity Input, Activity Input type.
  • Let or Right (Chart Orientation)


Step 5: When finished with the desired changes, click "Save Layout". The new layout can now be viewed on the dashboard screen.