Users that have been assigned as Reviewers are responsible for reviewing the content and either approving the content or returning the section to the contributor for revision. Content that has been submitted by contributors is in track changes mode and appears in a blue color.

Reviewers can accept or reject content that has been submitted through track changes using the track changes icons in the toolbar, shown in red above.

  1. Accept the tracked changes for the content surrounding the current placement of the cursor within the response field.
  2. Reject the tracked changes for the content surrounding the current placement of the cursor within the response field.
  3. Accept all the tracked changes in the response field.
  4. Reject all the tracked changes in the response field.
  5. Override enable tracked changes.
  6. View audit logs.

Viewing audit logs of tracked changes

If you have completed a review of the tracked changes within a section, you can view the audit logs to look at what changes were made and whether they were accepted or rejected.

  1. In the toolbar in an Editor question, select the View Audit Log.
  2. Select the General Response History Audit tab to view the changes and whether the changes was rejected or accepted.
  3. In the Inspect Response column, select Left Panel or Right Panel beside the response instance that you want to include in a comparison.
  4. Select the Responses Comparison tab to view a comparison of the response instances to see a before and after of the tracked change.