Diligent ESG Author administrators may restrict the sections that are visible to each user such that only the relevant sections are accessible to them.


View only permissions

If you have been given View Only permission, you can access the section and view the content. However, you cannot make any edits to the section and the Save button is greyed out.

Edit permission

If you have been given Edit permission, you can access the section, view the content, make edits to the response, add references, and save your changes. However, with Edit access, you cannot change the status of a section.

Sections that have a status added to them are flagged in red with the following:

  • Action Required
  • Requires Revision
  • Approved
  • Awaiting Review

You can select the relevant flagged sections to view and/or edit them. You must be given the Contributor user role to change to the Awaiting Review status or the Reviewer user role to change to the Requires Revision or Approved statuses. Administrators can change to all the status options. For further information about the approval process and access to reports, go to Managing access to corporate reports.