• Multiple Choice (Select One)
    • As you will see from the below example question 'Do you have an environmental Target?' you enter the question in the appropriate box as usual with any additional info/footnotes etc you may want. You can also make this a mandatory or key question if required.  In the Choice List/Advanced box you can enter your choices manually into the below highlighted box giving each a score (Eg. 1=Yes, 0=No) and then click 'Add Choice to List'. If you wish to delete any of the choices you have entered highlight the choice from the grayed box to the right and click the X button the right. You can also choose from an auto-populated list of answers, select the list from the drop down menu and click 'Auto-Populate List'. Once you have entered all your Choices then click 'Add Question'.

  • Multiple Choice (Select Many)
    • This question is where you want the user to be able to select multiple answers from a given list of choices
    • As you will see from the below example question 'What environmental data do you usually collate?' you enter the question in the appropriate box as usual with any additional info/footnotes etc you may want. You can also make this a mandatory or key question if required.  In the Choice List/Advanced box you can enter your choices manually into the below highlighted box giving each a score (Eg. 1=Water, 0=None, Waste=1 etc) and then click 'Add Choice to List'. If you wish to delete any of the choices you have entered highlight the choice from the grayed box to the right and click the X button the right. To delete multiple entries, click on the choices while holding the Ctrl button on your keyboard. You can also choose from an auto-populated list of answers, select the list from the drop down menu and click 'Auto-Populate List'. Once you have entered all your Choices then click 'Add Question'.

  • In the advanced section you can ask users to give further information for explanation for certain choices. In the below example I am asking the user to explain why they would have chosen 'None' from the list. You can have a message displayed to the user if they try to leave the explanation blank. You can also ask for a user to provide an attachment for certain answers. For example they may say their building is ISO 14001 certified and you may ask them to attached evidence of this. 

  • Drop Down List
    • This question is where you want the user to be able to select a single answer from a given drop down list of choices
    • As you will see from the below example question 'In what country are you based?' you enter the question in the appropriate box as usual with any additional info/footnotes etc you may want. You can also make this a mandatory or key question if required.  In the Choice List/Advanced box you can enter your choices manually into the below highlighted box and you can give each answer a score if this is applicable (Eg. 1=UK, 2=USA, 3=Ireland etc) and then click 'Add Choice to List'. If you wish to delete any of the choices you have entered highlight the choice from the grayed box to the right and click the X button the right. To delete multiple entries, click on the choices while holding the Ctrl button on your keyboard. You can also choose from an auto-populated list of answers, select the list from the drop down menu and click 'Auto-Populate List'. Once you have entered all your Choices then click 'Add Question'.

  • In the advanced section you can ask users to give further information for explanation for certain choices. In the below example I am asking the user to explain why they would have chosen 'Ireland' from the list.

  • Searchable Drop Down List
    • This question is where you want the user to be able to select a single answer from a given drop down list of choices. There maybe numerous possible choices (Eg. City list) so this question type allows users to search the drop down list by entering the first letters of their answer. 
    • As you will see from the below example question 'In what city are you based?' you enter the question in the appropriate box as usual with any additional info/footnotes etc you may want. You can also make this a mandatory or key question if required.  In the Choice List/Advanced box you can enter your choices manually into the below highlighted box and you can give each answer a score if this is applicable (Eg. 1=London, 2=Florida, 3=Paris etc) and then click 'Add Choice to List'. If you wish to delete any of the choices you have entered highlight the choice from the greyed box to the right and click the X button the right. To delete multiple entries, click on the choices while holding the Ctrl button on your keyboard. You can also choose from an auto-populated list of answers, select the list from the drop down menu and click 'Auto-Populate List'. Once you have entered all your Choices then click 'Add Question'.

  • In the advanced section you can ask users to give further information for explanation for certain choices. In the below example I am asking the user to explain why they would have chosen 'Paris' from the list.

  • Single Line Text
    • This question type would be used when you want to allow users free reign to enter whatever text answer they wish. Answers are limited to one single line of text.
    • There is no choice list/advanced section to this question type as per earlier questions.

  • Multiple Line Text
    • This question type would be used when you want to allow users free reign to enter whatever text answer they wish. Unlike the above they are not limited to one line of text.
    • There is no choice list/advanced section to this question type as per earlier questions.

  • Numeric Input
    • This question type is used when you want a numerical response only.
    • In the below example I am asking the user 'How many environmental projects are you working on currently?' which would only require a numerical response. 
    • You can set a minimum or maximum answer value. Eg. If you are asking the user the number of days they work from the office you can set a maximum value of 5. 

  • Numeric Slider
    • This type of question like above would be used when the answer can only be numerical. Instead of the user being able to input a figure into a box per above they will be presented with a slider (see below image) which they can move left/right to the number they require. 
    • Per above questions you can set a minimum and maximum value.

  • Date Picker
    • This question is used when you want the user to provide a date for their answer.
    • In the example you would be asking the user to answer to what date they started working at the company

  • List Question (table layout with multiple question types in each Column)
    • With the list question users will be presented with a table layout with multiple question types in each column. 
    • The software will ask you to select how many columns you want in the table using a drop down list.
    • The software will then present you with options of what question type you want for each column and if you want the column to be mandatory.
    • Please follow above instructions for each question type

  • Currency 
    • This question would only allow users to answer from a provided list of currencies Eg. Euro, USD, GBP etc
    • Using the drop down menu you can select the choices that will be available to users to select from. 
    • You can also select reference dates for the period the answer will refer to for conversion calculation purposes. Eg. You may ask what currency the employee was paid in for 2019 therefore you would enter 2019 dates for conversion calculations.